Maui’s biggest wave of tech & sustainability

Automous vehicle’s are here to change the world, starting right here on Maui.

Maui Operated!

Maui Built!

Maui Aligned!

Meet AVA and the AVAduo
An innovative, safe, all-electric, low-speed, lightweight, and low-cost system that will be programmed, fabricated, manufactured, and assembled on the island, inspiring new diversified businesses and generating good-paying jobs!

Get to know AVA

The AVAmobility Project introduces Maui’s 1st Artificial Intelligence (AI) mode of transportation that will dispatch/operate an Autonomous Vehicle Assistant AVA with a robotic vehicle AVAduo to offset traffic and CO2 emissions by being an innovative, safe, all-electric, low-speed, lightweight, and low-cost system that will be programmed, fabricated, manufactured, and assembled on the island, inspiring new diversified businesses and generating good-paying jobs!

Community Impact

  • Reduce CO2 emissions by reducing the number of drivers who operate gas vehicles, reducing the total number of vehicles on the road, plus reducing the weight and wear/tear on the roads by using lighter, lower-speed vehicles.

  • Reduce the total number of vehicles on the road, plus reduce the weight and wear/tear on the roads by using lighter, lower-speed vehicles.

    Focus on the underserved Kupuna, Disabled, and Youth to support accessibility and mobility-challenged kama’aina by making AVA ADA-compliant.

    Integrate with local businesses to provide direct delivery of groceries, drugstore items, food, essentials, and other products to serve people and deliver to businesses.

  • Reduce the number of rental cars on the road and in parking lots by targeting tourists and hotels to participate in using AVA, control tourist access to critical resources, track tourist use of resources, and make roads safer by preventing distracted driving that is common for tourists unfamiliar with the island.

    Ease tensions between kama’aina and tourists by encouraging tourists to use AVA rather than rent a vehicle as well as provide them through our service with an opportunity to learn the importance of respecting our cultural values and natural resources.

  • Create diverse jobs from blue-collar to high-tech, and build local manufacturing capability to support the operations of the AVA fleet from building vehicles to maintenance and upgrades by coordinating with UHMC and local unions to create a career roadmap and pathway for young people interested in STEM so they have more jobs and reasons to live on Maui. We will also provide paid and unpaid internships, plus mentorship opportunities in Phase 1.

  • Engineer autonomous sensor systems and vehicle-to-vehicle communications to make travel safer for drivers by targeting distracted AVAduo operators, other drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, and pedestrians.

  • Grow Maui as a recognized tech hub in the Autonomous Vehicle market sector specializing in community-served autonomous macro-mobility low-speed vehicles by developing educational opportunities and internships for students and people wanting to start a new career; export tech knowledge-based using AVAmobility products worldwide to other communities with similar destination environments as well as large and small retirement communities.

    Reach out to the community and host Show & Tells as the program meets its goals so that the community can see, hear and touch AVA. We want it to be something we all contributed to making a success by making sure it is tuned to meet the community's needs.

We intend to shift the character and mode of transportation on Maui and turn toward sustainability for the community and the planet. AVAmobility aims to:

Is it Safe?

Since public safety on our roadways is paramount, our driver-assisted/driverless people-mover - the AVAduo - is engineered with multiple types of safety sensors. These sensors are integrated with state-of-the-art object perception software to make this modality of transportation safer than what’s currently available.

  • LiDAR

  • Radar

  • Cameras

The AI Racing Tech group’s motto is...”If we can control AI race cars going 200 mph, we sure as heck can control them going the speed on a beachfront road.” AVA and AVAwatch will keep an eye on the AVAduo and the environment around it. Should the software detect an unsafe condition, it can mitigate or eliminate it by providing world-class detection and avoidance methods.


Introducing a 2-person community vehicle supported by an intelligent Autonomous Vehicle Assistant named AVA (think Siri).

We will first study the Maui market by building a demonstrator version of AVAduo while collecting community input and data. Then we will begin testing in two beachfront communities, Kihei and Lahaina. Both are full of kama‘aina and tourists alike.






  • Objective
    Introduce the AVAduo concept and demonstrable vehicle to the community online to allow community members to see and be educated about the AVAmobility opportunities. Collect input.

    Action Step / Timeline (4)
    i. Establish the facilities needs and short-term lease “lab” – 8/1/23
    ii. Plan, design, and implement mounting of the autonomous hardware and software – 10/1/23
    iii. Community showing of AVA-P1 – 12/1/23
    iv. Lab Parking lot GPS tests – 01/1/24

    Performance Measures (4)
    i. Move equipment to new “lab space”
    ii. Publish the first Simulator results on the website
    iii. Show AVAduo with autonomous hardware on the Website and social media

    Community showing
    iv. Put Lab Parking lot GPS tests on the website

Goal A

  • Objective
    Build and test the initial version of autonomous software (GPS following) and demonstrate basic Automated Driver Assist System (ADAS standards set by the Federal government) and test object detection (people, lights, and signs).

    Action Step / Timeline (4)
    i. Move AVAduo testing to the Maui MotorSports Park – 1/15/24
    ii. Complete successful 10 miles of path following and operation – 2/15/24
    iii. Demonstrate slow-moving Other Vehicle, Pedestrian, and Bicycle detection with dummies – 5/1/24
    iv. Community showing of AVA-P1 MPP testing and AVA-B1 – 6/1/24

    Performance Measures (4)
    i. Post up a video of AVAduo-B1 testing Maui MotorSports Park
    ii. Publish PR of successful 10m path following and operation test
    iii. Put up a video of slow-moving other vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycle detection with dummies
    iv. Community showing of AVA-P1 MPP testing and AVA-B1

Goal B

  • Objective
    Demonstrate the basic AVAmobility dispatch and retrieval operation and safety features to the community at the Maui Motorsports Park and on S. Kihei Rd. and Front St.

    Action Step / Timeline (4)
    i. Design, build, and test the AVA phone app on iPhone and Android – 12/1/23
    ii. Set up Remote Monitor and Control system (AVAwatch) and test at Maui Motorsports Park – 1/1/23
    iii. Get AVAmobility certified as a Vehicle Manf in Hawaii and Apply for an autonomous test license – 3/1/24
    iv. Set up AVA/AVAwatch test in Kihei and Lahaina – 6/1/24

    Performance Measures (4)
    i. Demo AVA phone app on iPhone
    ii. Build / Demo AVA app for Android & MS Windows
    iii. Set up AVAwatch - Remote Monitor and Control system and test at MMP
    iv. Demo AVAduo parking and dispatch in Kihei and Lahaina

Goal C

Maui’s 1st Artificial Intelligence (AI) mode of transportation

Mahalo to our Sponsors